When we are stressed out, there is a tendency to hold our breath. We also breathe high up in our chest as opposed to deeply into our lungs and down into the belly. It is important to breathe regularly deeply and fully. Deep breathing has numerous beneficial effects including:
Oxygenates our brains and body
Reduce tension both physical and psychological
Lowers the stress response
Helps PTSD symptoms
Improves resilience and recovery in athletes following exercise
Improve focus and attention
Improves heart function
Reduces Pain
Reduces inflammation
Increases energy
Can help curb hunger
Can help with cravings associated with addiction
Improves lung function
There are so many breathing techniques to try the easiest is to take full deep breaths down deep into the lungs several times a day.
Try this Box Breath Technique:
Sit or stand comfortably, bring your attention to your breath.
Inhale through your nose slowly and deeply for the count of 4
Hold this breath without strain for the count of 4- suspend it- just allow, holding it in a relaxed way. (play with this feeling on each breath, exploring the feeling.)
Then exhale for the count of 4
After the exhale also -suspend the breath- holding it out for the count of 4
Begin again, inhale for the count of 4, hold for the count of 4, exhale for the count of 4, hold for the count of 4.
Continue this for at least 3 rounds, work your way up to 10 rounds.
This in itself is also a meditative practice. It focuses and relaxes the mind and body.
Go forth and bust that stress!